About Us
Zero Carbon Harrogate (ZCH) is a volunteer-led, registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation, charity number 1192634.
Following a film viewing of Naomi Klein's "This Changes Everything - Capitalism vs the Climate" held at the time of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Talks, we felt strongly that we must do something locally. In January 2016, we formed a climate action group and Zero Carbon Harrogate was born! We became a Charitable Unincorporated Organisation and a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) in 2020.
Under the patronage of Professor Piers Forster (Interim Chair for UK Climate Change Committee and Director of Priestley Centre for Climate Futures), ZCH brings together residents from different backgrounds and with different experiences to support the development of a thriving, low carbon, sustainable economy, and improve the quality of life for residents across the Harrogate area.
Together, we aim to:
EDUCATE our community on the need for urgent climate action and decarbonisation.
ENGAGE collaboratively with organisations and political decision-makers around climate action.
SUPPORT individuals, groups and organisations in taking effective climate action.