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Walk to School Day 2022-2023 Awards

Congratulations to all schools and pupils that took part in this year's Walk to School Days. Thank you for being part of such a positive climate action.

Walking/scooting/cycling to school is not just better for the environment, but it also improves congestion at busy times and is great for our health and wellbeing. For those that cannot travel by foot, choosing a lower carbon transport option still helps, such as shared cars, buses or the 'park and stride' option - parking sooner and walking the last part.

Schools were awarded bronze if they took part in 1 or 2 events this year, silver for 3-4 events and gold for 5-6 events. This year it was all about encouraging great transport habits by lowering our carbon footprint on a regular basis, all helping us get closer to our goal of net zero emissions.


For more information on our Walk to School Days please click here.



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